With the increasing popularity of Twitter, people want to know what's hot within the Twitosphere. Several initiatives have popped up.
Twitterbuzz shows you what people using Twitter are linking to. TwitterBuzz offers users different timeframes : an hourly view, a weekly view, a view from the start.

What is Twitter Doing Today : a tagcloud featuring the most used words in messages from Twitter. Different possibilities are available : words used today, the last hour, the last 5 or 10 hours or yesterday.

Twitterzone offers 4 possibilities to get a view what's hot in the Twitosphere : most twittered words, most twittered links, most active twitters, most active services. The timeframe can be one hour, 24 hours, 7 days or 1 month.

TwitterSearch allows you to look up the twitter messages containing a keyword of your choice. TwitterSearch has limited memory, only going back a few hours.

What are people twittering about ?
A very simple interface shows a list of the 20 most common nouns or noun-phrases seen in different timeframes : last hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days and 1 week.

Twitterholic provides insight to the top 100 twitters according to the number of updates, number of friends and number of followers. Twitterholic does not reveal the actual buzz, but rather the users who are likely to create the buzz.

As English is currently the most frequently used language by twitters, most services only provide information for English. Persons looking for twitters using other languages will have to wait a little bit before other, more localised services will pop up.